Animist Tallinn submission regulations

Animist Tallinn, International Animation Festival (hereinafter the ’Festival’) is an animation festival organized by MTÜ Animist Tallinn.

The 1st year will take place in Tallinn from 18 – 21 August, 2021.

Animist Tallinn is holding a competition in following categories:

a) Best Animated Short (The international competition of short animated films)

b) Best Student Animated Short (The international competition of student short animated films)

Only animated films under 30 minutes completed after January 1, 2019 are accepted into the Festival’s competition program. The Festival’s non-competitive program includes focuses, exhibitions, lectures and discussions.

This year’s call for entries is open via this link. The submission process is free of charge.

The screening formats of the films are to be specified after the films have been officially selected. All films selected for all the Festival sections are screened in the original versions, and must be provided with English subtitles (unless the original version is in English). This is the responsibility of participants.

The selection of competitive films is carried out by a committee appointed by the Festival organisers. The program schedule and order of screening sections are set by the Festival organisers.

Owners of screening rights (hereinafter the “submitters”) may submit their films to the 1st edition of Animist Tallinn until April 30, 2021 for all the international competitions.

If a submitter does not provide a screening file of a submitted film, they will be disqualified from the selection process.

No selected film can be withdrawn from the Festival program after its participation has been officially confirmed by the submitter (a film submission acts as the official confirmation). Copies sent for competition will not be returned, such copies become part of the Festival’s archive.

The Festival committee reserves the right to select submitted films for both competitive and non-competitive sections. Submitters will be informed about the results of the selection process by June 3, 2021.

Submitters are obliged to follow the instructions for the delivery of copies of selected films. The instructions will be enclosed in a letter confirming a film’s selection for the program. Submitters will send copies of the selected films in the requested format immediately after receiving detailed instructions from the Festival organisers. All films selected for competitive and non-competitive sections will be screened without entitlement to screening fees.

By sending entry forms, submitters give Animist Tallinn the right to use 20% of a film with a maximum length of 1 minute from the selected film to promote the Festival in any media. 

During the Festival, clips of selected films will be screened at the festival venue, in TV spots promoting Animist Tallinn, on the website of the Festival, on social media platforms and in multimedia presentations during the festival.

Animist Tallinn reserves the right to use film stills in promotional materials (festival catalogue, festival journal, leaflets, posters, billboards, website, and multimedia presentations), and provide them to the media for the purpose of disseminating information about the Festival.

The Festival organisers decide about guest invitations, and the Festival gives priority to filmmakers of selected competition films. A submitter whose film is selected for the programme (either competitive or non-competitive) will receive an accreditation for the festival free of charge. Travel expenses are dealt with individually, and are covered up to the amount determined by the Festival’s current financial circumstances. The Festival reserves the right to prioritize the travel and accommodation expenses of the authors of films selected for competitive programs. Hospitality terms for invited guests of the Festival shall be arranged individually, and specified in their personal invitations by email.

International juries will be composed of prominent representatives of culture, film theory, and film journalism, as well as filmmakers and producers. There will be one international jury for all competitive categories. 

Members of a jury must not have participated in the making of any films in the competition that they are judging. Jury members are sworn to secrecy. Festival organisers may attend jury deliberations, but cannot take part in voting. A jury comes to its decision according to the criteria upon which they all agree. A jury announces results at the final ceremony. A jury may award special mentions.

The sending of a completed entry form and film constitutes a submitter’s full acceptance of the Festival’s rules and regulations.