August 17
Uus 3
Length 68 min

From the use of AI to the meditative wandering of memories, a hysterical mix of animation and film classics – let’s discover the new frontiers of expression and challenge all the limits.

My Father in the Cloud

Director: Ruth Patir
Year: 2022
Length: 24:46
Country: Israel
Production: Ruth Patir

“My Father in the Cloud” is a documentary animation that follows director Ruth Patir as she tries and fails in utilizing new technologies to dance with her late father, a telecommunication engineer with a secret unrealized desire for virtual reality. As her journey unfolds, we realize the limitations of technology in replacing what she’s lost.

Alice in Arizona

Director: Stuart Pound
Year: 2022
Length: 5:35
Country: UK
Production: Stuart Pound

The Alice of fifties animation visits the Wild West of fifties live action, but only through persistence of vision, they never meet in the same frame. The original Alice and the original Wild West were contemporaries too.

Deep Breath

Director: Leonor Pacheco
Year: 2022
Length: 4:07
Country: Portugal
Production: BAP – Animation Studios

During the late hours of the night, a form tries to fall asleep. Struggling to maintain control, it gets trapped into a vicious cycle of abstract madness, visually and audibly growing into a visceral and bizarre conflict between compression and decompression.

Frozen Frog

Director: Yiyang Sun
Year: 2023
Length: 3:21
Country: China
Production: YiyangSun Studio

Because of the lack of a common language, a frog chose to remain silent.

Planets and Robots

Director: Antanas Skučas and Julius Zubavičius
Year: 2023
Length: 5:38
Country: Lithuania, UK
Production: MB “Tylus kinas”

The film is generated by AI for humans. Don’t worry humans are creative and better than AI. You are the ones who will always have the upper hand, because you have the ability to imagine, feel, and love. Thank you for existing.

I Dream of a Criminal Life

Director: Stuart Pound
Year: 2023
Length: 4:12
Country: UK
Production: Stuart Pound

Guilty admiration for pickpocketing skills made me aware of my own hands interacting with the video image.

The Moon Rises During the Day: Sound Sculpture

Director: Na Li
Year: 2022
Length: 3:13
Country: UK
Production: Royal College of Art

The 2D abstract hand-drawn animation script comes from Na Li improvising a drawing when listening to a piece of music “上/Hallucinogen of Imagined Bodhi-I”, which a musician Liang Yiyuan created. The film was created in a semi-conscious state and the sound/music triggers subconscious emotions and drives Na to auto-response drawing. Through this film, she aims to examine a process of exploring the relationship between sound and image and the visualization of sound by automatic drawing.


Director: Keum-Taek Jung
Year: 2022
Length: 14:18
Country: USA
Production: Keum-Taek Jung

“White” is an experimental animation with computer-generated sound. Geometric figures of symbolism are explored through the texture and colour of metamorphosis and transformation. The interrelationships between sound and animated images represent an expression of another dimension in time and space. The visual imagery was created by using a digital microscope and a DSLR camera with the technique of frame-by-frame.

All My Scars Vanish in the Wind

Director: Angélica Restrepo
Year: 2022
Length: 14:18
Country: Colombia
Production: EXPERIMENTA, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Among intrusive and sought-after memories, a woman hears a disconcerting call from the depths of her being. A cryptic cry for help that becomes intelligible guides her to the original wound, to her inner child, becoming her own protector.